Monday, March 05, 2007

HTML Tutorial

Welcome to the HTML Code Tutorial. Our goal is to provide the most helpful and complete guide to creating web pages anywhere. If you're just beginning, start learning HTML here

Document Tags
Embedded Objects
Lines & Paragraphs
Logical Tags
Weird Tags

get more....

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Macromedia Fireworks MX

Welcome to Macromedia Fireworks MX

Macromedia® Fireworks® MX is the easiest way to create, optimize, and export interactive graphics in a single, web-centric environment. Fireworks MX provides the tools to make every web graphics professional successful, from the HTML developer to the design expert. A streamlined interface allows easy creation of everything from simple graphical buttons to sophisticated rollover effects and pop-up menus.

Some great resources are available to help you discover more about Macromedia Fireworks MX, get support, and send feedback.

To Get Started
Be sure to register to receive the latest information about upgrades and new products, technical support, and more. Register online now, or complete and return the registration card in your Fireworks MX product box.

Release Notes
Release Notes contain the latest information and known issues about Macromedia Fireworks MX.

Designer and Developer Center
Find the technical information you need. Get inspired with tips, tutorials, and other resources, or steer your project to success using public forums, code examples, exchanges, and added reference materials.

Corel Draw 12

Welcome to the CorelDRAW® 12 tutorial page.

The tutorials listed below involve you in projects that will help you learn about the application.

Workspace tour — introduces you to the basic tools of CorelDRAW 12

Creating a logo — shows you how to create a logo

Working with layout — shows you how to lay out text and graphics to create an ad

To view these tutorials, you must have Adobe® Reader® installed on your computer. Adobe Reader is available for download from .

Copyright 2002–2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies.

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